Community Guide/Community Engagement
EFI staff will provide one on one supports and accompany clients into the community. Staff will use creative and effective strategies, work with clients to create goals and introduce them to resources that are available in the area. Clients will have the opportunity to further skill development and increase integration into the community.
Schedules are built around activities and the client's preference.
Staff will meet with clients to strategize and goal plan. Goals will be monitored for progress and completion and can be changed or altered at any time by the client.
This service is available in the Individual and Family Services waiver.
Fee Information
EFI will bill DDA directly for Community Guide/Community Engagement services.
Transportation will be provided by EFI.
Respite Services
EFI offers a respite care program focused on community-based activities, socialization, leisure and recreational activities, while promoting individuals to obtain and refine important life skills. All staff has been trained and completed 40 hours of in house training as well as 30 hours of on site training. All staff are CPR certified, nurse delegated and blood borne pathogen trained. Our staff must pass a Background check, have a GED and possess a valid Washington State drivers license.
Fee Information
Exceptional Foresters Inc. will bill DDA directly for respite services at $21.50 per hour.
All services must be pre authorized by a DDA Case manager.
Activities that require clients to bring money will be listed on the activities calendar.
EFI is not responsible for client meals. If a meal or snack is required for an activity it will be noted on the activities calendar.
EFI does not transport to and from activities. It is the responsibility of the clients for setting up transportation. Mason County Transit and Dial a Ride are available as a resource.
Staff Support
Staff have been trained in medication administration, personal care, toileting and behavioral supports.
Contact Info
For more information about these programs please contact Sarah Kerwin, Residential Supervisor/Program Coordinator at: (360) 426-0077 Ext. 112 or email at [email protected]