“The corporation shall be non-profit and non-stock with membership open to all persons who desire to assist mentally and physically handicapped persons to have greater economic opportunities than they now enjoy, who subscribe to the belief that such persons are potentially productive and employable persons, who pay such dues and meet such further qualifications as shall be provided in the By-laws of this corporation.” Articles of Incorporation Section III.
“Warren Richards and Bob Kimbel formed a “committee of two’ with Richards serving as Committee Chairman. The fruit of their efforts was Exceptional Foresters Inc., the first community sponsored and financed habilitation center for the mentally handicapped in the United States.
The name “Exceptional Foresters” came from the planned primary activity of the men: the commercial production of forest resources. A vocational training program was developed through which a client would participate in all stages of tree farming and Limber harvesting. The principal function of this training would be to bring the mentally handicapped person into self employment and avoid, as far as possible, custodial or hospital care.
The philosophy that guided Kimbel and Richards was simple: people should make do for themselves.” This is Exceptional Foresters by James H. Lindley